Basic Car Checklists You Will Ever Need!
Date Posted:4 April 2018
Car safety should be ensured at all times. Whether you're going for a quick ride to the store or having a weekend road trip with the family, you should make sure that all parts of the car are performing well. But we must say, it can be time-consuming if you'll check your car from the bottom to the top, and as you go by, there might be things that you are missing out. That is why we gathered these various car checklists to help you in doing a quick round of maintenance checks for your car.
Basic Car Safety Checklist
The items on this checklist can mostly be checked in a glance and quick stroke of a hand – even kids can help you out on some of the items. However, these are the items that should be regularly checked because the safety of your ride depends on the items you're about to tick off.
- Head and tail lights – check its brightness and wipe out dirt on its surface to avoid blurring
- Windscreen and windows – ensure it is fog-free and wipe off unnecessary fluids
- Wipers – turn on for a while to see if they are operating properly and if its parts are intact
- Seatbelts – check its tension and if the belt buckle clasps the belt properly
- Horn – make sure that it works every time you go out
- Tyres – check the pressure, wear and tear, and your spare tyre too
- Handbrake – check how strong it holds the car on a challenging surface
- Tool kit – don't forget your jack, wrenches, crocodile clips, etc.
- Fuel – make sure your tank is filled and can take you to your destination, or to the nearest gas station at least.
Car Battery Maintenance Checklist
- Take note of how old your batteries are. Keep in mind that batteries may have varied life spans, so prepare for a spare battery once you get there.
- Check for leaks or corrosion. A battery might wear earlier than expected when there are leaks or corrosion build up around it.
- Make sure battery fluid is enough. Electrolytes from water usually evaporate during the battery recharge cycle and gassing. Better check if it is enough to keep your battery running.
Necessary Fluids Checklist
- Engine oil
- Coolant for radiator
- Brake fluid
- Power steering fluid
- Clutch fluid (for manual cars)
- Gearbox oil
- Differential fluid
- Windscreen washer fluid
- Distilled water (for batteries)
Internal and In-Depth Checklist
- Leaks and cracks on radiator hoses
- Dirt buildup on the engine air filter
- Corrosion and leaks around battery terminals
- Loose or noisy (upon start up) fan belts
- Unusual engine noises, shake ups, ticks, and hissing