Easily remove acid rain from your car windscreen
Date Posted:17 November 2017

Water drops on your windscreen can really be annoying when it’s raining. What worse than that is when these drops get dried out that they start leaving marks on your windscreens that is hard to clean using your wipers. Acid rain can get worse overtime. Aside from producing a cloudy or misty mess on the exterior of your car windows and windscreens, acid rain can eat out the glass surface as it dries. This leaves permanent damages into your windscreen surface.
As what most say, prevention is better than cure. You can prevent acid rain build up on your windscreens before it can cause damage to your car by employing the correct cleaning methods. You can start off by cleaning it as you would normally do. Better use lint free cloth when wiping the clear glass surfaces of your car. At first, it is difficult to distinguish an ordinary water spot from an acid rain drop, so better wipe the entire windscreen surface clean as you go. Then apply some Windex over it, and let it dry under direct sunlight.
Once dry, dust the visible water spots with a thin layer of baking soda. Then take a damp cloth and start scrubbing it together with elbow grease. If the spots tend to be hard to remove, try using an old toothbrush instead. Baking soda is a known cleaning agent that has a strong effect on dirt, but gentle to smooth surfaces. By this time, the water spots can be cleared.
If the baking soda didn’t work, you can use a super-fine steel wool soap pad with a small amount of cutting compound. Be sure to test it out first on a small portion of the glass to make sure that it can endure the treatment. Continue using elbow grease as you scrub the affected area with the steel wool pad. That will be the final treatment that you can do. Otherwise, it’ll leave you no choice but to replace the glass.